Friday, November 14, 2014

Week Fourteen

This Week

This week is our last in our study of macroeconomics. Students covered unemployment, types of money, and looked at different sectors of the economy.

Upcoming Week

Next week is an important one as students take their final unit quiz on macroeconomics. Mr. Grieve gave them a review sheet today to take home and study this weekend, and next Monday we will have an entire day for review of the material we've covered thus far by playing Jeopardy! Then, on Tuesday, students will take the test.

After the test students will begin our final project, which will take us nearly to the end of the year, although there will be a comprehensive final exam the last week of the quarter. Please check out the DRSS Local Economics Podcast Project Facebook page for more information on what they'll be doing for the final weeks. Again, if you can help us with our interviews, please fill out this form.

As an aside, we are one month out from the end of the stock market simulation and the breakdown as of 9:30 this morning was as follows:

Mr. Grieve is up 4.14% overall, the rest are displayed here:

Any teams who finish with an overall higher score than me at the end of the simulation get donuts!
Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Grieve

Friday, November 7, 2014

Week Thirteen - Macroeconomics

This week

We finally began our last big unit this week as students began studying Macroeconomics. So far, we have talked about GDP, inflation/consumer price index, and taxes. I have also graded and entered into ProgressBook students' scores for their budgets and their budget essays. For the most part students did a great job on this and learned some valuable personal finance skills. I'd encourage you to talk more with them about their future career aspirations and how they want to further their own education after graduating from DRSS.

Upcoming Week

Next week students will continue our study of macroeconomics as we explore macroeconomic indicators like unemployment and balance of payments. After our third test (which will take place sometime towards the end of this week or the next week), we will conclude the content side of the class and students will finish up the year by working intensively on the DRSS Local Economics Podcast Project. Please check out the Facebook page to learn more about this project and if you or someone you know may be interested in being interviewed for it, please fill out this form.

Check us out on Facebook and on iTunes as well!

Have a great weekend, and don't forget there is a PD day for teachers next Monday, so no school for students!

~Mr. Grieve