Friday, March 27, 2015

Week Twelve

This Week

We spent the week continuing to work on our budgets, with students looking up information about where they wanted to live and what they wanted to do. Special thanks to Mr. Federinko for coming in as well and talking about Naviance with the students so they could understand how to look up the information they would need about the colleges they wanted to attend in order to make their student loan payoff portion of their budgets more accurate.

Upcoming Week

Obviously next week is spring break! When we get back from that, however, students will continue working on their budgets for that week. We also are coming towards the end of the stock market simulation, and unfortunately I am falling behind. It's looking like I may have a lot of donuts to buy with the nosedive my portfolio took. The only good news for me is that many of the students portfolios did as well! I'm at -2.22% right now. See how the groups were before market open today below.

I'm at -2.22%... The competition ends on 4/17/15!
Have a great spring break!

~Mr. Grieve

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Week Eleven

This Week

With all of the testing going on and the quarter wrapping up, I apologize that I haven't updated the blog recently. This past week though students presented their vacation projects, so I'd encourage you to check them out! I have some of them added to the website, although not all of them yet. You can check the ones I have posted so far on the Student Work page or ask your son or daughter to show you theirs. Students have until this upcoming Friday to revise anything I asked them to fix.

Check out the student work here!

Upcoming Week

Next week we will continue working on our budgeting project, which we also started this week. Special thanks to Ms. Helton for coming in and talking about the importance of budgeting with the students. She explained to them how she has one simple document outlining her budget based on past expenditures. I explained to students that, because they don't have prior spending history, they will need to research the prices for everything from where they want to live (renting or owning?) to how often they want to go out to the movies. Students will be working on this until early April. When they get done with the project they should have a good financial picture of how they want to live when they enter the work force, whether that be after pursuing an M.D. or entering the workforce right out of high school.

Here's to a great week next week, and Go Flyers!

~Mr. Grieve

Friday, March 6, 2015

Week Nine

This Week

This week students are continuing to plug away on working on their trips. Spotty Internet has made this difficult, but really we only lost one day because of Internet difficulties, so currently we are continuing with the plan and every day we lose students get an extra day to complete the work. The day that Internet went out, I used the time to begin our unit on Macroeconomics and began lecturing on taxes. Hopefully, however, we'll be able to finish with this project without further interruption.

Upcoming Week

Next week students will have all week to complete their projects, which are now due on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th. Students will then present to the rest of their class. If you're interested in taking their trips, ask them to show you their completed website when we're done!

Here's a snapshot as of 3:00pm on Thursday of where we're at in the stock market challenge. Group 4 has maintained its sizable lead, and (sadly) I have have dropped down to just 1% overall return. Hopefully I'll catch up so I don't have to buy too many donuts...

At just 1% overall return, I'm falling dangerously behind... that's 4 groups for which I must buy donuts right now!

Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Grieve